Important Patient Information
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Information about Dental Extractions
A dental extraction is a procedure to remove a tooth. This is carried out because the tooth has a problem associated usually causing pain or infection. If the problem cannot be treated by a dental procedure such as a filling or root canal treatment, extraction may be the only remaining option to resolve the problem and prevent future pain or infection.
Dentists refer to the NHS IMOS service if a tooth is difficult to remove, or if they do not have the training or experience to complete this. Alternatively you may be referred, if your dentist does not have the equipment required to complete the treatment safely.
NHS IMOS service can only carry out treatment under local anaesthetic. This means that you will be awake for treatment. The part of your mouth that requires treatment will be numb so you will not feel pain during your treatment. If you are unable to proceed with your treatment under local anaesthetic, your regular dentist will need to refer you to a different service for treatment under sedation or general anaesthetic.
There should be no pain during your treatment, but the feeling of pressure and pushing is normal. There may be sounds and noises which you are not used to. Bringing music to listen to through headphones can help to keep you distracted. Once the anaesthetic has worn off, you should expect to feel and see some soreness, pain, swelling and bruising inside and around your mouth. These effects can last 1-2 weeks usually. The local anaesthetic effects can usually last for 4-6 hours after treatment.
You may notice some bleeding at the site of treatment and you will be advised on how to manage this during your visit. Sometimes, sutures (stitches) may be needed and these are usually dissolving sutures and last 2-4 weeks.
Large fillings or crowns/bridges adjacent to the tooth being treated can be damaged or dislodged during treatment, especially if they are also unhealthy. This is rare, and you will be advised if this occurs. Further treatment and cost of repairs would be at your expense.
If the tooth being removed is close to important structures in the mouth, sometimes a part of the tooth may need to be retained and left. You will be advised of this if it is appropriate from the start of treatment. Sometimes, once treatment is started, if it is safer to do this you will be informed.
Allergic reactions to medicines used during treatment are rare and usually identifiable beforehand. If there is something which you are allergic to, please inform the treating surgeon.
Removal of teeth can very rarely result in fracture of the adjacent bone near to the tooth. If this occurs, you may require further hospital treatment to manage this.
Wisdom teeth develop into the mouth later than other teeth, they are often impacted and there may be insufficient space for them to erupt into the mouth. Wisdom teeth will usually require division into smaller parts to help remove all fragments of the tooth.
Wisdom teeth are often very close to a nerve that provides sensation to your lips, chin and tongue as well as affecting taste. One of the risks of removing wisdom teeth is that this nerve could be damaged if it is very closely linked to the wisdom teeth. This will be discussed with you during your visit. Having swelling and needing stitches after treatment is more common with lower wisdom teeth.
Top teeth, usually molar teeth, can be close to the air sinus. Removing these can sometimes lead to an opening developing between the mouth and the air sinus called an ‘oroantral communication’. This may require further treatment to treat it if it occurs. If this is a risk, your surgeon will discuss this with you.
A biopsy is a removal of part of a growth within the mouth. This will usually be sent for further analysis to identify what the growth is. The results of this can take 2-3 weeks to be obtained after analysis by a pathologist. Depending on the outcome of the result, you may require further treatment depending on what is biopsy result.
You may wish to leave the tooth and not receive treatment. If this is the case, you should be aware that there may be a risk of pain or infection in the future. Delaying treatment can sometimes lead to the need for more complex future treatment. Please inform us if you do not want to receive treatment.
Most treatments can be safely carried out without needing to be within a hospital. Sometimes, following your assessment, it may be necessary to refer to the hospital if further information is needed. For example, if a more complex radiographic scan is needed or if further blood tests are needed.
Other frequently asked questions
A: Please read the NHS IMOS Covid PAP. Please DO NOT attend if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. Please attend by yourself and follow our practice’s local guidance on face coverings and hand hygiene. You may be asked to wait outside for social distance reasons.
A: If you have already paid your referral fee to your regular dentist, your treatment with us is free of charge and fully paid for by the NHS.
A: Most patients carry on daily activities including driving as usual as treatment will be under local anaesthetic. However, naturally it is a personal decision and if you have concerns or previous adverse reaction towards LA, please avoid driving to the clinic.
A: No, the NHS IMOS services are only able to carry out treatment under Local Anaesthetic.
A: You will need to return to your registered dentist and tell them. They will need to complete a new referral for you to a hospital setting. Contact us to cancel your referral to our service; email or TEXT us on 07786201815 (Text only).
A: Yes, your treatment is under Local Anaesthetic so you can eat as normal on the day of your procedure. Diabetic patients please ensure you have something to eat before your appointment.
Let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment. Please give at least 24 hours’ notice. If you miss an appointment on more than one occasion without letting us know, or with less than 24 hours’ notice, we reserve the right to review future provision of treatment for you at our IMOS service and discharge you back to your general dental practitioner.
Patient letter
Dear Patients:
If you are attending an appointment at one of our practices, please read the following information carefully.
- Missing your appointment or cancel with short notice means that valuable treatment time has been wasted. You must tell us straight away if you cannot attend and at least 5 days before your appointment.
- In accordance with our policy, If you miss an appointment on more than one occasion without letting us know, or with less than 24 hours’ notice, we reserve the right to review future provision of treatment for you at our IMOS service and discharge you back to your general dental practitioner. This may result in further referral fees.
- There can be a wait due to the nature of the treatments (up to 2 hrs in rare occasions). Our staff will do their best to keep you informed.
- Your treatment will be performed with local anaesthetic. PLEASE NOTE: This service does not provide IV sedation or general anaesthetic; for this your dentist will need to refer you to the hospital.
- Please download and complete the medical history form to bring with you. (We will have one for you if you do not have the facility at home.)
- If you take any medication please ensure you also bring your prescription with you; without the full list of your medication we will not be able to carry out the treatment.
- Please ensure you arrive on time as we cannot guarantee the surgeon will see you if you arrive late.
- Our clinicians will aim to complete treatment on the day of your visit, however, this may not always be possible for reasons such as multiple tooth extractions and complications discovered during assessment.
- If you wish to cancel or reschedule you appointment, you can
- Use the online form link below, or
- Text us on 07786 201815 (SMS text only)
- Email
- Contact us directly
- (NB. If you are rescheduling, we will provide the earliest next available appointment, which may be up to 2 months ahead.)
Please use the links below for more information:
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours sincerely,
IMOS Team Visiting Specialist Services Ltd
For further information and additional PDF downloads, please visit our Patient Information page.